Partnership projects for Peer Reviews
Peer Reviews can be carried out on a European level in small partnership projects (Erasmus+, KA 2). Two-year projects (24 months) are recommended.
Partnerships involving 4 countries are recommended with 4-6 partners.
- The educational institutions (VET providers, schools, colleges, adulte education providers etc.) in the partnership will evaluate each other through Peer Review.
- EPRA as partner will be responsible for quality assurance and the label.
The partners will work on common topics that are important to them and use Peer Review to further develop these topics. The topics should come from the involved institutions themselves and in a second step need to be aligned with the priorities of Erasmus+ and the European Peer Review Quality Areas. more
A common workprogramme for these small partnerships will be provided for EPRA members. The work programme will foresee:
- stock-taking in the beginning,
- the preparation and conduct of the Peer Reviews,
- monitoring and evaluation and
- a follow-up including a project "product".
EPRA will also provide Peer Training - but this will be financed through mobiity funding Erasmus+ KA1).
Institutions participating in one of these small partnership projects need to make sure that they also apply for KA1 funding for the Peer Training.